Engaging, Modern, Complete Education . . .

Embrace Childbirth Classes are for couples . . . Moms AND Dads. You'll learn to work together to bring your baby into this world. This is a comprehensive childbirth workshop designed for parents expecting their first baby or for parents attempting their first natural home birth.

This series is taught from a Christian perspective and we fully acknowledge God as the Creator and that life begins at conception. You will discover how to minimize your fears and become more confident in Godโ€™s design for birth.

Classes are taught for two full days in a small group setting and offer a great chance for parents to connect with one another. We utilize lecture, art, hands-on practice, multiple visual aids, group discussions, and Q&A time to facilitate learning. The fee is $150 and each couple receives a workbook to supplement the course.

Christian-Based Embrace Childbirth Classes

Topics Covered In Class

  • Modern Birth Philosophies
  • Home & Hospital Birth Settings
  • Anatomy & Terminology
  • Interventions
  • Staying Low Risk
  • Pain Management
  • Breathing & Relaxation
  • Nutrition
  • Modern Birth Plans
  • Tips For Your Partner
  • Breastfeeding Basics
  • Newborn Care